Anti-money laundering in the age of cryptocurrencies

von Céline Carucci (Autorin)
Themen: ,

This thesis explores the growing challenges of combating money laundering in the face of emerging technologies like cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. By analyzing recent regulatory developments in the U.S. and the EU, the thesis aims to assess how effectively new measures target digitalized money laundering and whether they address the gaps in existing AML approaches.

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This thesis explores the growing challenges of combating money laundering in the face of emerging technologies like cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. It examines how traditional anti-money laundering (AML) frameworks in the U.S. and the EU struggle to address these challenges, particularly the anonymous and decentralized nature of digital currencies. By analyzing recent regulatory developments in both regions, the thesis aims to assess how effectively new measures target digitalized money laundering and whether they address the gaps in existing AML approaches.

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