Continuing Legal Education

Ambition and Reality

von Andreas Kellerhals (Hrsg.)/ Michael Mayer (Hrsg.)/ Janick Elsener (Hrsg.)

Continuing legal education is of central importance for legal professionals and the whole of legal industry. The book provides insight into the state of continuing legal education in Germany, the UK, the US and Switzerland and addressed topics such as legal innovation, digitization, the role of law schools, and expectations from legal practice.

CHF 39.90CHF 59.90 inkl. MwSt.


The education of lawyers does not end with the law degree. Continuing legal education is of central importance for legal professionals and the whole of legal industry. Both the education sector and the legal sector are undergoing profound change due to new business models and information technology. Providers of continuing legal education and universities in particular are therefore confronted with various questions and challenges.

The Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich, as the leading provider in Switzerland, therefore held a conference on February 15 and 16, on the occasion of which these questions and challenges were discussed. The conference featured speakers from universities, law firms and associations as well as companies from Switzerland, Germany, the UK and the US. The individual presentations provided insight into the state of continuing legal education in the respective countries and addressed topics such as legal innovation, digitization, the role of law schools, and expectations from legal practice regarding continuing legal education.

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Größe 22.5 × 15.5 cm

Hardcover, Softcover





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